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On-demand Multi-services App - A demand in the market? - Printable Version

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On-demand Multi-services App - A demand in the market? - dylan05 - 04-21-2020

People find it comfortable if they can order a pizza, book a cab and shop groceries in a single app. Multi-tasking is the need of the fast ticking hour. A multiservice app can be hugely profitable considering the demand of the people. Some interesting stats for your view,
  • According to Statista, the global e-Commerce platform will generate $4.8 trillion by 2021.

  • There were 204 Billion number of App downloads in 2019 indicating people demand more from the market.

  • 23 companies have already generated revenue of more than $1 billion by January 2019 through the on-demand industry.

  • According to Intuit’s economic survey, 63% of the workers are leaning towards the on-demand market for supplementary income.
It is crystal clear that people are tending more and more towards on-demand service apps. This multi-services app market is expected to mushroom it’s way to the top of the pile. Now is the time to step into this multi-billion dollar business venture.