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How does uniswap makes money? - Printable Version

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How does uniswap makes money? - Alice_watson - 11-22-2021

Uniswap is a decentralized protocol that doesn’t have a native token. All fees are given to liquidity providers, and no trading charge is exerted by the founder in the protocol. It charges 0.3% per trade, and it is endeavored to the liquidity providers. By default, these are appended to the liquidity pool, which liquidity providers can obtain at any time. The fees are allocated to the liquidity providers according to their share of the pool. A part of the fees may be implemented to Uniswap development in the eternity.

Have an idea to kick-start your own DeFi Exchange like Uniswap, get more info about Uniswap clone Script

RE: How does uniswap makes money? - hallanthony - 11-30-2021

Coinbase has always focused on providing an affordable platform for newbies to start investing in cryptocurrencies without facing many hurdles. It also adheres to the core crypto mission of being decentralized, operating as a remote company with no headquarters or office. This is why I am using coinbase exchange. It is very safe and convenient.

RE: How does uniswap makes money? - WillPaez - 12-03-2021

Que genial m encanta este tema, gracias