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How do I know gold from falso - Printable Version

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How do I know gold from falso - merehan - 03-13-2022

Tests to detect real gold from Phalso

There are many jewelry and accessories that are similar in shapes, but completely different in terms of material and quality, and everyone should be fully aware of the ways to distinguish between these types.

And the classifications of gold, whether it is new, imitation or old, the new gold is made of raw, unrefined gold, while the old gold is made of refined and recycled gold, and fake gold and falso are made of gold mixed with other materials and elements that make it less valuable and beautiful

magnifying glass test
Because fake and imitation gold is so prevalent, many people are looking for ways to make sure that the gold is real. The color of the original gold is yellow and the fake pieces have the same color. The ideal way is to take the gold to a trusted jeweler to make sure

TRANSLATED FROM:اسورة هايڤ اللؤلؤ

Some resort to approved traditional methods, the first of which is a visual examination using a magnifying glass or by looking alone, and in the following are the steps of examination with a magnifying glass: holding the gold piece with one hand, and the magnifying glass with the second hand, then searching for the gold stamp, which is the mark placed on jewelry to distinguish it

It is usually found on the inner edge of rings and bracelets, while gold and bullion coins are printed on the obverse to be visible, and this seal is either a number from 1-999 or a number next to the letter K from 0-24. Use the number to find out the type of gold and the carat in it

For example, when the number 375 is found, this means that the piece consists of 37.5% of gold, and these symbols may differ according to the country. Note the signs that the gold is not pure such as: the presence of the letters GP, GF, GEP, these symbols indicate that the gold piece is plated

And the bottom of this coating may be copper or silver. Search through the magnifying glass for any changes in color or erosion in the tips and edges of the gold, as real gold does not erode and does not change its color to red or bronze.

Density test
The density of real gold is estimated at 19.3 (g) / (ml), and when examining any element and finding the density close to this number, this means that it may be gold, and when performing this test, an accurate balance must be brought that measures the elements in grams

In addition to a measuring container marked with markings that show the milliliters accurately, and the following is the method of applying the density test: placing the piece on the accurate scale after zeroing it, and documenting the final weight on a side sheet. Lay the standard graduated bowl on a flat surface and pour water into it to fill it halfway. Document the number in milliliters that the water reached after it stagnates.

Gently put the gold piece in the water, in order to avoid spreading the water on the sides and reducing its quantity. Document the new figure in milliliters that the water reached after placing the piece. Create an equation to subtract the first value from the second value of the water level, and this result expresses the element's displacement of water.

The value generated in the previous step is the size of the gold nugget. Make an equation to get the result of the density of the piece, which is dividing the weight of the piece that was measured in the first step by its volume measured in the second step

Here is an illustrative example: If the weight of the piece is 40 (g) and its volume is (2.2 ml), then density = weight / volume. Density = 40 g / 2.2 ml. Density = 18.18 g/ml. Therefore, the number 18.18 is very close to the original density of gold, which is 19.3 (g) / (ml), which means that there is a high probability that the gold piece is real. Consider testing the piece by other means as this test is not guaranteed to be accurate.

magnet test
This test, despite its somewhat reliable result, is simple and easy to apply, as pure gold is not attracted to magnets, while pieces of gold that contain other metals such as alloys that contain 20% of their atoms on iron are capable of being attracted to magnets.

In the event that the gold piece is attracted to the magnet, it means that it may be gold-plated and made primarily of copper, lead or aluminum, and then methods can be followed to identify gold from copper.

TRANSLATED FROM:مجموعة سوار وقلادة هايڤ الملاكايت

Here's how to apply the magnet test: Bring a large, strong magnet from a store that specializes in this matter, or can be found in your old hard drive. Hold the magnet in one hand, and the gold coin in the other.

Note the intensity of the piece's attraction towards the magnet. A more accurate test is recommended if in doubt, because old and remanufactured pieces contain metals mixed with pure gold, which makes them attract magnets.

buoyancy test
Gold is a heavy element because its density is great, which means that it is not buoyant on the surface of water, and when it falls into a container filled with water, i