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+--- Thread: WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF BODY MASSAGE (/showthread.php?tid=5985)


Benefits of massage

It increases blood circulation activity, thus providing the body with energy in order to carry out various activities with vitality and activity.
It relieves psychological stress, improves mood, and thus reduces the possibility of depression and stress, or reduces its severity.
It helps to relax the body, and thus facilitate sleep, and get rid of insomnia.

It reduces muscle pain that occurs when performing a great muscular effort, and massage benefits the athletes in particular.
Contributes to addressing chronic headaches; because massage reduces headache stress.
It increases the body's immunity, because massage increases the number of red blood cells that activate the immune system.
Makes the skin soft and elastic.

Delays or prevents the occurrence of muscle atrophy resulting from inactivity that occurs as a result of advancing age, or due to the length of treatment or surgery.
It improves skin tone, as it helps to get rid of dead skin cells, and regenerates tissues, including wrinkles and burns.
It lowers heart rate and blood pressure and helps control it.

Massage contraindications
Massage may not be appropriate in the following cases:
Infection of the body with inflammation, whether the inflammation is internal or external.
Having a problem with one of the joints.
Major fractures and burns.

Having cancer.
A tear in one of the muscles of the body.
High body temperature.
A problem with the health of the heart and circulatory system.
A person suffering from difficulty breathing, or asthma.

Injury to the spine with any ailment or disease.
Take some medications, such as anticoagulants.
Note: It is recommended to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of massage with a doctor if you have any medical conditions and if you are pregnant.

Massage oils
Many types of oils are used in the massage and massage process, as they increase the relaxation of the body, and give a feeling of comfort, and each oil has its own benefits depending on the elements, compounds, and substances it contains that are important for the health of the body, and among these oils:

jojoba oil.
Sweet almond oil.
Lemon oil.
Avocado oil.
Coconut Oil.
Lavender oil.
olive oil.

when doing a massage
Massage cannot be considered an alternative treatment for other types of treatments, but it is a complementary treatment, and a doctor must be consulted before it if a person suffers from a specific ailment in his body, in order to explain to him if the massage will harm him with the disease.
The massage must be done by a qualified person who specializes in the field of physical therapy and massage work.

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