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Legal online Poker in the USA
Hi all, I have been playing online poker on poker stars for 5 years here in the USA. I am lucky enough to live in a legal state.

First off this is NOT a post talking about rigged sites or bad beats. I wills say in the past I have had many thoughts and feelings going both ways.

My story is a bit funny. When we got online poker I thought it was awful and rigged, though I had only been playing poker about 2 years.
Then COVID game, and out of boredom and desperation I started playing online cash games on stars, and wow, now I could win. It helped that the player pool when up over 12000 percent from an average of 1000 a day to 12,000. So naturally the skill level required to win was not too high. I was not using poker tracker, but was winning about 30 dollars a day playing 30 nl.

I was a terrible player though with tons of leaks, though I have good instincts in many ways that helped.

I have been studying poker and am going through Split Suits math pre flop book for the second time. To be honest, the first time I powered through it and probably would have only got a D on a test. I was a math major and very good at complex math, but I never had a natural feel for the simpler forms of math, though with practice and everything I understand that kind of math and can do it in my head. But it took a lot of practice and work. For some reason Calculus and more advanced forms of math came easy, yet I struggles to do simple poker math to some degree. I am not being modest or humble bragging, it's just how it happens.

Messages In This Thread
Legal online Poker in the USA - by abdullahiyu - 05-20-2024, 09:19 PM

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