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New Skills?
now that alot of us (at least myself) are in the high 100's in level and the last skill we found was (ELE-OF-HARMONY (ULTIMATE)) will there be any NEW skills added to the game? i read in a post last year harvard that youd said "Has anyone tried to hit 150 yet?" signaling something would happen when you hit 150. but it doesnt. it doesnt even seem to be the actual cap....infact im still struggling to find the level cap.... http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j471...e65f5b.png point being nothing seems to happen....nothing at all. (Sadface)

this aside is there any possibility of VERY high level spells being added at levels (125-150-175-200-250-300-350-400-500) etc....i wouldnt mind going on a super leveling spree instead of just farming the infinity arena for boxes (items that great increase power) to make my characters look like this. meet (after 16 hours of uninterrupted box farming in infinity arena) the new and improved (and completely broken) rainbow dash....

[Image: RainbowPower_zpsf9aec9e3.png]

and for the love of all that is dark and satanic where can i find this weapon.... [Image: Saver_zpseab2c7b9.png]

ive put it in 3 posts now and need an answer...is it just not in the game? i managed to get a few Cuved blades from the chests you get from Infinity Arena (2nd highest melee attack weapon ingame discounting the fishing rod whip and this legendary blade...) it has 145 attack and i need it to completely break my pinkie pie....must....have....Saver.....+cry +sniffle + beg any sort of hint on its location or how its earned.....who drops it....a code for it with enough bug reports/chat fix reports.....or a BP code for it....

anyway back to the point of this thread originally.....can you pretty please add more skills for us super-high levels? or at least make ELE-OF-HARMY (ULTIMATE) worth casting? twilight has stronger spells that 1hko without it , pinkie pie 1 shots with (Foreverrrr) Rainbow Dash can do hits in the hundreds of thousands without any sort of buff or debuff on enemy at this point and 1 shot everything in the game with crits (even King Sombra/Dark Trixie) and Fluttershy's only purpose is ultra-timed taps of Beast Spirit or giving the party EP through Spirit Recovery...i dont even use heals for her anymore. ever. no point. srsly nothing even gets to hit me anymore. rainbow's defence is so high not a single attack in the game beisdes spells even hit her for more than 0. around 1500DEF/MDEF theres no point in further increasing stats (besides showing off your E-peen) as youve become all but invincible to damage. and nothing ingame is even remotely capable of dmging me to the point of even needing a healer at this point....so alot of spells go uncast/unused by those who dont care about them.
I will add more skills. But you are the only one who reached level 100+..... Max level is like 255 or something. Not 150.
So it isn't that prioritized.... as most the players won't reach that level.
And there are already loads of skills.... like 250. Which I can say..... There aren't many RPG games with this many skills, adding too much skills could lead to increased amount of time spent per battle and complex skill menu too much.

Not all of the weapon are obtainable easily or obtainable thru monsters. Try look into lucky chests, they pretty much give everything. Except everything, in a extremely low rate. Even 0.5% if considered high. More like 0.05% for weapons/armor.
(01-23-2014, 07:08 AM)harvard1932 Wrote: I will add more skills. But you are the only one who reached level 100+..... Max level is like 255 or something. Not 150.
So it isn't that prioritized.... as most the players won't reach that level.
And there are already loads of skills.... like 250. Which I can say..... There aren't many RPG games with this many skills, adding too much skills could lead to increased amount of time spent per battle and complex skill menu too much.

Not all of the weapon are obtainable easily or obtainable thru monsters. Try look into lucky chests, they pretty much give everything. Except everything, in a extremely low rate. Even 0.5% if considered high. More like 0.05% for weapons/armor.

Ok then i guess. Only one? Really? (O>O*)..... yeah i noticed the Cuved Blade doesnt seem to drop from anywhere but chests.

On to my next question then....

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