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Still Stuck!
You Didn't answer me last time I said at first: I didn't know it puts the steps to upstairs Where you where standing and I accidently blocked the way into my house. Is there any way to move them? Then I said: I can't find the Clear props skill unless it's Called: Clear Radius. But if it is I can't use it cause I'm standing on the stairs if I enter the house. I bought another upstairs expansion (I was hoping when I got another the old would disappear the other.) trying to fix it but now I got 2 sets blocking the entrance. I can get like into the first step into the house but no further I can also go upstairs on the first set.
you can still use clear radius.
If not.... then there isn't a way to fix it. You kind of just got yourself stuck in a bad way.
Darn it Well no big deal I can still use the upstairs: But may I suggest making the stairs appear in a certain area?

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