Realtime Global Multiplayer ranking/highscore! - Function added 12-25-2012 (Christmas)

Function will be improved overtime: more highscore/sorting/reward for sending highscore/etc.

Players who completed Part one of MLP RPG:

Infinity Arena Challenge (only top 5 players):

1. Midnight Sparkle achieved round 1000000001 on 2024-05-19 07:47:23 before dying/escaping.
2. DITR achieved round 6446 on 2015-01-17 07:14:32 before dying/escaping.
3. DITR achieved round 5952 on 2015-01-14 16:30:55 before dying/escaping.
4. DITR achieved round 3729 on 2015-01-09 16:16:04 before dying/escaping.
5. DITR achieved round 3146 on 2015-01-15 17:12:32 before dying/escaping.

Note: I am currently lacking of ideas for high score function. If you want certain function such as adding boss arena high score, ranking for who farms the most trees or whatever…. Just tell me. If enough request were made, I will simply add it in next patch.


12-25-2012- Initial release of highscore counter.

1-6-2013- Moved from text database to MYSQL Database. Fixed repeated username issue. Old ranking is now wiped lol (too lazy to transfer it over)

3-17-2013 -Now the table is powered by Google Chart API. - Sorting function included.

9-13-2015 -Fixed highscore overflow issue! Now the highscrore will show the latest player who beat the game rather than first. And limit the view to 15 players

Preview update - Update highscore based on username.

Currently the highscore ranking is based on Date.