Little explaination on game mechanics and clarifications.

I only explain some of the topics that players requested. No request = no extra info.

ALWAYS check wordpress for extra bunch of information: - I always post an article about things I add.

Wiki page on the game with a lot more content: Fighting The Unknown Wiki


Treasure chest LV 1 is gained from fishing skill only. It drop some rare food items and drop weapon from a database of items. I loaded 70 weapons in there. Each weapon have 1% of dropping.

Treasure chest LV2. You can only get it from achievement atm. It drop same stuff as LV 1 chest except. It can drop 60 armors that I loaded in there. Again. 1% chance for each armor. It is normal if you get nothing from chest other than bits... If you do the math (60 + 70)*1% is NOT 130%! There are huge difference.

Also, it is normal to get nothing from item dismantling skill.... It is not a glitch.

You can only farm in your player house land space..... but there are exceptions to it. Like grass.

Your dash isn't working? It is because you have 0 dash speed!

Item dismantling skill crash the game? Read the instruction in game before using it!

Where to get crafting books? Very single store out there sell few items unique... and it includes crafting book. High end crafting books are dropped by monsters, or bosses.

Item enhancement list (Oh god... This is going to be long.):

You are not allowed to copy my word list :( took me forever to think up these words.

Sharpened - attack 5-10 increase

Godly - attack 50-200 increase

Admin's - attack 50-220 increase

Lucky- Luck 1-5 increase

Flexible-agility 1- 5 increase

Reflective - def 1-5 increase

Hero's - def 1-15 increase

Divine- def 1-25 increase

Invincible-def 1-105 increase

Dark - mdef 1-5 increase

Rarity - mdef 1-15 increase

Celestia's - mdef 1-25 increase

Immortal - mdef 1-55 increase

Devil's - matk 1-5 increase

Twilight's - matk 1-15 increase

Luna's-matk 1-25 increase

Magical- matk 1-55 increase

Fairy's-matk 1-65 increase

Invisible- matk 1-75 increase

MLP - matk 1-75 increase

Burning - hp 1-5 increase

Shiny - hp 1-15 increase

unique - hp 1-25 increase

Bloody - hp 1-55 increase

Luring - hp 1-65 increase

Thirsty- hp 1-75 increase

Desire's - hp 1-25 increase

Rampaging - hp 1-55 increase

Holy - hp 1-105 increase

Enhanced - mp 1-5 increase

Empowered - mp 1-15 increase

Weird - mp 1-25 increase

Cold - mp 1-55 increase

Icy - mp 1-65 increase

Extreme - mp 1-75 increase

Liquidized - mp 1-25 increase

Undead - mp 1-55 increase

AJ's - mp 1-105 increase

xxx of magic - luck 50 increase static.

xxx of friendship - mp 50 increase static.

xxx of ???? - atk 50 increase static

Defiant - atk 0-20 increase

Diabloical - atk 0-30 increase

Deadly-atk 0-40 increase

Destructive - atk 0-50 increase

Fabled - atk 0-60 increase

Faithless - atk 0 -70 increase

Fearless - atk 0-80 increase

Heroic - atk 0-90 increase

Ruthless - atk 0-95 increase

Unforgiving - atk 0-100 increase

Very sharp - atk 25 increase static


xxx of luck - luck 25 increase static

Ageless - def 1-125 increase

Timeless - def 1-130 increase

Deceptive - mdef 1-5 increase

Arcane - mdef 1-65 increase

Deceitful - mdef 1-5 increase

Dazzling - mdef 1-15 increase

Exotic - mdef 1-25 increase

Mystical - mdef 1-55 increase

Everlasting - mdef 1-65 increase

Eternal - mdef 1-85 increase

Bloodless- hp 1-100 increase

Evasive - agility 1-5 increase

Lawless - agility 1-15 increase

Swift - agility 1-25 increase


????????????? - attack 1-999 increase.

I am joking. So far 67 enhancement. Do some simple math. 100 weapon + 100 armor = 200 *67 enhancement = 13400 * numbers of stat variation = magic.

That is how many weapons and armor we got in MLP RPG. Over 9000. Thats right.


Don't understand farming? It is quiet simple. You buy seed or to get seed from monster drops.... Then you plant them in the land that you own. Wait for the seed to grow, then farm it when it is mature. You can now sell the fruit for more seed or use the item for crafting. It is like farmville because you will have to invest in expansive seed, and work for awhile picking fruit until you make your seed money back. If I am correct... eggplant is about 30 bits each. You can get one fruit from one tree every 5 seconds. Just one tree would provide you 360 bits per minute! And think about having 10 trees. That would be 3600 bits/minute. In the future there will be more trees. Which ultimately you can calculate how much you are earning.. blah.. blah. blah... if you are a lazy player... then Im sorry because this is rpg game.... Not spray and pray FPS games that you don't really need any type of thinking.

Don't understand house construction? Well.... you don't have to know about it. It is made for smart ass players who discover about craps. Like dummy is not a pet but rather target practice monster that you can use to approximate your attack and skills, etc.... and sometimes it drop rare cat which you can either sell or use it for fun. Lazy players can just use free inn service that the house provides initially. But it will not last as I am kicking in more content and stuff..... . There are reasons for which in MLP RPG you have to earn everything. Simply because if there is a game that you can 1 hit ko all monster, get all godly drops, solo bosses with your hands? What is the point of that game now?

Item rare classification:

WhiteUltra-Common-It-Is-Everywhere! GreenCommon BlueUncommon PurpleRare YellowLegendary BlackEXTREMELY UNIQUE AND RARE! ONLY A FEW IN THE GAME!

Dark green for admin weapons. Which players don't have access to.

OMFG the game is so hard!!!!!!! - NO, it is not...... if you are already in trouble in part 1... then you won't like part 2 because monsters will be much harder.... Part 1's gameplay is so simple that all you have to do is grind or farm a little... get some item upgrades going..... then killing monsters are like cake to you....

Action times + 50% means of 50% of getting one extra turn instantly… then 25% and so on.

After 3-25-2013’s compatibility patch with combo system. When you get another turn, if you use your combo bonus, the second skill you choose WILL BE REMOVED! So you don’t get extra turn on top of extra bonus (which is too OP). If you choose to not to do the combo until it expires or you get it wrong….. The second skill then WILL BE USED. If there are combo bonus for the second skill, it will be NULLED! It means even if you input the correct combo…. It will not do anything. In comparison, it is still better to use action time’s double turn bonus than to use combo! So remember…. Not to use combo at all when action times + bonus is activated, and the choice is still up the players to use combo over the extra skill.

Upgrade and enhancement system: Enhancement system is from the first town in the game done by NPC. The NPC will take bits to enhance your weapon or armor, it can downgrade your stuff or upgrade it or do nothing or destory your item! And result is pre-determined but random. Max enhancement level is 30 right now, but it will be infinite. Players should know upgrade weapon can be only done once and once a item is upgraded... That item is finalized so it can't be upgraded or enhanced again. But the benefit from upgrade is much more specific and powerful than enhancements. So if you want to max out a weapon, you will have to enhance it to the max level then upgrade it as the final step to perfect your item at its maximum tier. You cannot upgrade it first then enhance it. The current system isn't perfection, but it serves its purpose if you know how the system works. It is still considered one of the best system around due to its cooperative nature and powerful functionality. There are draw backs such as enhancement one item would result in all similar item being enhanced as well. But it isn't a bad behavior with cons and pros. Item number is voided after upgrade is a flaw with benefits because it cuts down conflicts with custom item creation function.