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Full Version: WoW Patch 8.3: Mythical Plus Affix Bending is overworked
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cheap WOW Classic Gold With the upcoming patch 8.3 will start in World of Warcraft also the fourth PvP and Mythisch Plus season. In addition to the new seasonal affix an adjustment to the affix Bebend comes to us. This will cause twice as much damage as before but no longer on your own.

The mythical plus dungeons in World of Warcraft have long since replaced the raids as a major occupation for many players. They are shorter playable in a smaller group and the degree of difficulty to adapt to the skill and equipment level of the group. The various affixes provide sufficient variety buy WOW Classic Gold cheap so that the runs through the instances are not too boring. However these are different dangerous and make the dungeons different difficulty. While some do not really matter in good play there are others who generally demand higher DpS or more healing. Bending is such an example. At regular intervals you create a quake around you which deducts 20 percent of the maximum life from each player hit and also interrupts your spell cast. Since you also meet yourself with the quake the healer has to do a lot more with perfect play than without an affix. That will change soon.

Originally posted by Blizzard: Notably Season 4 So has a change that's making the quaking affix. Now players can no longer damage themselves with this effect and damage to them.

So with Bebend 8.3 Bebend does no damage to his own player but twice as much to surrounding allies. If you play perfectly you can completely avoid the damage. On the other hand if you play badly you will wipe more than once due to the affix. Most players welcome the changes. On the one hand the playful ability comes to the fore on the other hand the affix now prefers even more a well-balanced setup. Groups made up of melee fighters will be a little heavier than before and will need to play more attentively.

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