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Full Version: History of solar panels
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Just recently, a former naval officer sailed from South Africa to Brazil in a small boat, relying entirely on solar power. Before you set out to repeat his journey or chart your own route, here's what you need to know about a marine solar installation and how to properly size it. What do you think about it?
Guys, I understand that my question is a bit off-topic, but I really hope for your help. I live in a very hot climate, and we always have very dry air that practically does not circulate. I was advised to install an exhaust fan, but at first, I thought it was useless. However, I recently visited a friend of mine and he had an exhaust fan installed at his home and it really helps remove warm air from the home. I asked my friend which company installed that fan for him and he advised me to contact https://a1solarstore.com/blog/solar-pane...asics.html. I would like to know your opinion about this company because these guys are one of the most popular.
This also disincentivises homeowners from producing more power than they need because there is little compensation for building a system that generates more than they consume, hindering the production potential. Not to mention a commercial power producer will sell their power to the network at a much lower price and so such a subsidy creates an imbalanced market.