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Full Version: Stormveil Castle Cleanup How to activate Godrick
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You can take a rest at the new Spot of Grace here to increase your level, and then talk with the NPC from earlier who has now been tripping over Godrick's grave. Then, continue up the path and enter the temple to find Godrick's seat on the throne. Through the door to left of Elden Ring Runes Godrick's throne to be taken to a room in which you can converse with a ghost who laments the utter failure of his services to a lady. Pick up the Shabriri Wine in front of him, then proceed to the temple's exit. This will let you out into the next location, Liurnia of the Lakes.

Stormveil Castle Cleanup How to activate Godrick's Great Rune.Finally it is time to get rid of the items found in this castle, as well as activate Godrick's Big Rune. Then, teleport yourself back to Liftside Chamber Spot of Grace . Then head back to the heavily guarded main gate pathway that is accessible through the courtyard. This path is slightly easier to clear from the back, but it can still be difficult to clear. Use stealth whenever possible, and do not aggro several enemies at one time. Be prepared to back off if your need additional space or want the time to heal.

Once you have reached the second set of stairs , be aware that this area is heavily guarded by two towers and multiple soldiers who can throw firebombs. If you're using a ranged attack, you are able to take out the soldiers in the turrets from afar or else just race as quick as you can until the bottom where you can be able to escape their reach. From here you can scale the rocks that are piled up against the wall, then leap through the gap to get to the posts at the point where the turrets can be found in order to take their attackers down and search for the Arbalest.

Continue into the next large open area , where you'll meet another large number of soldiers. Similar to the courtyard , you are required to draw them out gradually and make sure not to buy Elden Ring Items upset the large lion adversary at the side of your path. If you look down the path , you'll see the entrance gate and that final Spot of Grace from here But don't go for the gate because there are other turrets hiding around the corner ready to blow you away. Instead sneak along the wall on the right side so they'll not be able to spot you, then climb onto their platform . Kill the turret's operators in addition to looting the Smithing Stone [2] and Smithing Stone [1] on their platform.