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Full Version: Spectacular space explosion identified as a black hole collision
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Scientists say the "stunning" astronomical explosion is caused by the collision of a star with a black hole.

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This event was a gamma ray burst. detected by NASA space telescopes and observatories.

A team of scientists including physicists at the University of Leicester. Explain that an explosion lasting one minute is a rare cosmic event.

They hope their research will help in studying future events.

A gamma-ray burst is the most powerful explosion known in the universe.

This particular explosion was from a nearby galaxy. It was detected in December 2021.

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Scientists say the burst, dubbed GRB 211211A, is relatively long and contains more infrared light than they would normally expect to see.

Their research suggests that the light comes from a kilonova. which is a star event It is thought to be caused by a collision between a neutron star and a black hole.

The research team was led by Jillian Rastinejad of Northwestern University in the United States.

with experts from the Universities of Birmingham and Leicester including Radboud University in the Netherlands.