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Full Version: How can doll books contribute to building a lifelong love for reading?
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Doll booksplay a pivotal role in instilling a lifelong love for reading by making literature an interactive and joyful endeavor. The multisensory experience of holding dolls, turning pages, and enacting scenes creates positive associations with books from an early age. As children become emotionally invested in the characters and stories, they develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world of literature. The combination of reading and imaginative play fosters a deep engagement that transcends the act of reading itself. When children experience the thrill of actively participating in a story, they are more likely to view reading as a pleasurable activity rather than a chore. This positive perception paves the way for a lifelong habit of reading for enjoyment and self-discovery. Ultimately, doll books contribute to building a foundation of literacy appreciation that can be cherished and nurtured throughout one's life.