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How to protect yourself from malaria? - Printable Version

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How to protect yourself from malaria? - Majestick - 03-29-2020

We are going to visit Africa in 2 months. As far as I know malaria is one of the most dangerous deseases there ( how to protect yourself from it?

RE: How to protect yourself from malaria? - Bagaddur - 03-29-2020

(03-29-2020, 07:44 AM)Majestick Wrote: We are going to visit Africa in 2 months. As far as I know malaria is one of the most dangerous deseases there ( how to protect yourself from it?

A lot of tourists who are travelling to Africa are afraid of two exotic diseases. These are yellow fever and malaria. No wonder you are afraid of it considering how many deaths it has caused  Sad It is transmitted by mosquitoes so keep away from them. Did you know that mosquitoes bite only in the dark time? Just like vampires Big Grin actually I highly recommend you to read this informative article https://en.altezza.travel/articles/malaria-prevention to find out other important facts about malaria and how to treat it in case you got it.