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Why are on-demand apps the need of the hour? - Printable Version

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Why are on-demand apps the need of the hour? - dylan05 - 06-04-2020

Coronavirus pandemic has been ruthless on people globally. The outbreak has led to almost 1.4 million cases and 83,000 casualties. Let us discuss the need for on-demand apps here,
  • People fear to step out on the streets and demand an alternative way to purchase essential needs.
  • Coronavirus is mainly transmitted due to external physical contact. 
  • People are maintaining social distancing and expect doorstep services. 
  • Governments of various nations have imposed nation-wide lockdowns. 
  • Popular restaurants have turned into delivery outlets paving the way for people to order via on-demand apps.
  • In the wake of panic buying, people are left with empty shelves in grocery stores. People are inclining towards on-demand grocery delivery apps for grocery delivery.
  • People find on-demand apps easily accessible and an affordable way to get their services done.
Uber like on-demand apps delivering food, grocery, medicine and etc., meet the needs of the people. The development of on-demand apps can prove to be highly beneficial and profitable in this quarantine season.