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The Power of Product Reviews on Amazon - Printable Version

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The Power of Product Reviews on Amazon - DeborahThompson - 10-12-2020

In 2018, Amazon reached more than 100 million Prime users and the recent innovations in Voice with Alexa are of great interest. An often underestimated element that allows Amazon to be so authoritative in selling products is the amount of opinions about the products found on the site.

In the complex ecosystem of the marketplace, reviews are a key element to improve the visibility of their products on the platform; half of all online consumers rely primarily on product reviews before buying them. This prompts many Vendors and Sellers to wonder how to get more.

In this article, we will summarize the methods recognized by Amazon that allow brands to get more reviews on their products.

How does the Amazon review system work?

Under each product on Amazon you can read the "customer reviews", which anyone can write after spending a minimum amount on the site. A product review can also be issued by those who have not purchased the product on Amazon whether if you are account locked or want Create Multiple Seller Accounts On Amazon Multiple Seller Accounts. In that case the review will not have the “Verified Purchase” badge.

Reviews made by customers who have purchased the product and which show “Verified Purchase” are deemed most relevant by Amazon's algorithm and by users of the site (unless the product was purchased at a large discount).
Amazon users can then rate the single review as “useful”. The ones that Amazon's algorithm deems most useful will be visible immediately below the product. The benefit for sellers is that products with more reviews (and positive reviews) have benefits in terms of ranking in Amazon search results, appearing higher. Additionally, product pages with more reviews show higher conversion rates.

At one time, reviews appeared aggregated by product families. Amazon recently started showing only single variant reviews within the product family for some categories.

How to get reviews for your products?

According to Amazon's current guidelines, there are two authorized ways to increase the number of reviews on your products, one for brands that use the Marketplace channel and one for those who use the Retail channel.

The method available to Sellers is to send post-purchase emails to customers asking them to leave feedback on the product (and the seller). This type of activity is allowed by the Amazon terms and conditions (to be read carefully in order to avoid abuse); it can be managed through the messaging system within Seller Central or via API by automating the process, in both cases without having the customer's email address.

At the end of the article we will show the results our customers have achieved with the Witailer App for reviews.
The second method, available in Europe today only for  Vendors , is the activation of  the Vine program (paid) , which allows you to send your products through Vendor Central to a group of reviewers selected by Amazon to receive reviews. Usually you get 15-20 reviews per product.

For some months now it has been possible to select the target users who will receive the product to increase the affinity between the reviewer and the product.

In the United States, a third review program has been launched called the  Early Reviewer Program , a system (paid for Sellers) that allows customers to incentivize customers to leave reviews on low-reviewed products by sending small gift vouchers ( 1-3 $) to the customer.

Alternative methods

Since the power of reviews is very high, there are unauthorized parallel methods to increase reviews on Amazon, for example Facebook groups.

There are closed Facebook groups where some sellers ask Amazon users to buy their product on Amazon and leave a review. In return, users receive a refund of the purchase plus a small amount ($ 3 to $ 5) for the review.  Amazon has declared its commitment to defeating this system and is implementing a policy of "cleaning" fake reviews by deleting thousands of illegal reviews from the site.

For all companies that sell on Amazon it is absolutely not recommended to break the guidelines in order not to incur in suspension or definitive blocking of the account,  which penalizes sales in the long term. In November 2018 alone, Amazon removed 30,000 reviews considered non-compliant with the guidelines, with the aim of punishing misconduct on this front.

Witailer's results

In 2018 in Witailer we have focused a lot on increasing reviews for the customers' products and through this App available for Seller and they are able to reach Amazon customers by sending a request for feedback to Amazon customers. The results we measured were excellent; the brands that adopted this solution obtained a number of reviews 4.1 times higher than those who did not use it, improving the customer experience, conversion rate and sales.