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Prohibition on Withdrawal of Foreign Exchange - Printable Version

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Prohibition on Withdrawal of Foreign Exchange - enterslice - 10-23-2021

Withdrawal of foreign exchanges for the following purposes is banned:

·        Remittances as a result of winning the lottery.
·        Remittance from racing/riding earnings, etc.
·        Remittance for the purchase of lottery tickets, football pools, sweepstakes, and so on.
·        Payment of export commissions to Indian corporations for equity participation in joint ventures/wholly owned subsidiaries abroad.
·        Payment of export commissions under Rupees State Credit Routes, with the exception of commissions of up to 10% of the invoice value of tea and tobacco exports.
·        Reimbursement for telephone call-back services.
·        Visit Nepal and/or Bhutan.
·        Remittance of interest income earned on monies in the NRSR Account.
·        Transaction with a Nepalese or Bhutanese resident.

Click here to know more - Foreign Exchange Regulation