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Benefits of Agriculture Products Processing - Printable Version

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Benefits of Agriculture Products Processing - yasminpearce - 11-02-2021

Agriculture products processing is a branch of food processing that is concerned with the industrial preparation of agricultural commodities such as corn, barley, wheat, potatoes, and oats. These foods can be processed into a variety of different products for human consumption and animal feed. The benefits of agriculture products processing are many: On the one hand, by processing these food sources into value-added products, we can increase their shelf life and decrease spoilage. On the other hand, we can create new flavors and textures to enhance the experience of eating both for consumers and animals alike. Agriculture is an industry that produces the raw materials for the food and fiber industries. It is also an industry that provides a significant number of jobs in most countries. Today, innovation and technology has changed how we go about agriculture products processing. There is now more interest in making processes more efficient and environmentally friendly. What other benefits are there?