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Hoping to get rich on fish - Printable Version

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Hoping to get rich on fish - limafeed - 12-24-2022

All sorts of people are trying to get into the new fish rearing industry. Osman Amadu is a 33-year-old teacher who rears fish in his spare time. Until recently, he was still hoping that one day he might find work in the oil and gas sector. “It was my expectation to be employed there but you know over here in Ghana, when you are a teacher you don’t really gain much recognition, even policemen have more status than us,” he laughs. How much does it cost to start catfish farming?
Moro Shaibu and Osman Amadu belong to the Al-Hamdallah Fish Farmers Association at Kambuni, a small community in the Ellembelle District of the western region. Now that Amadu has struck gold with catfish he’s stopped dreaming about working in the oil and gas sector. At the moment I don’t have any thoughts of going to work [there] because of this business I am [now] involved in. Recently I went to Akosombo to be trained as a hatchery operator. So I am yet to establish the center and start hatching fingerlings here. He jokes that in just a few years, he will be a “fat man and not as slim as you see me Professional supplier of fish food making machines(click Lima Machinery to know more). Plant can be customized.