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Is this the mother of all pancakes? - Printable Version

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Is this the mother of all pancakes? - visiotrap - 03-01-2023

I doubt it.. but it might be top 5 at least

blueberry pancake with banana cream cheese and welll... too lazy.jpg

Agree? Disagree?

RE: Is this the mother of all pancakes? - SionLambert - 03-02-2023

These pancakes look delicious, and I would definitely eat them. I generally love pancakes and make them often because homemade ones come out very thin and perfectly even. And they taste as good as they look. I had experimented for a long time before I got the perfect result. I have checked many online forums and recipes, and I can confidently say which dough turns out the best. The recipe from https://palacinky.org is among the best ones. I'm sure that even beginners will want to try it because the site provides good cooking tips.