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Are there any less common symptoms of skin cancer? - Printable Version

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Are there any less common symptoms of skin cancer? - Ella_Elizabeth - 07-04-2023

[font=Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system,]While the most common skin cancer symptoms include changes in moles, the appearance of sores, and alterations in the texture of the skin, there are also less common symptoms that can be indicative of skin cancer. These symptoms may include the development of a persistent itch in a particular area of the skin, even in the absence of visible changes. Additionally, skin cancer can cause the affected area to become tender or painful, with or without noticeable changes in the surrounding skin. Some individuals may experience unexplained swelling near a mole or lesion, which could be a sign of skin cancer. In rare cases, skin cancer may also lead to the formation of nodules beneath the skin. It is important to note that these less common symptoms do not necessarily indicate skin cancer on their own, but they should be assessed by a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause.[/font]