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Does anyone use a VPN and/or Password Vault? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Does anyone use a VPN and/or Password Vault? (/showthread.php?tid=7616)

Does anyone use a VPN and/or Password Vault? - abdullahiyu - 06-17-2024

Anyone here use a VPN or other data-protective tools? I used to use BitDefender, but got tired of it always thinking my iObit Advanced System Care was a virus. Now I just use Microsoft's native antivirus, but have been meaning to step up my protection.

What are you guys using to protect your Penn State Professor-type web searches and pics of Trad's mom?

RE: Does anyone use a VPN and/or Password Vault? - SolomonGuad - 06-17-2024

Yes I use a VPN whenever I am online on my cell phone.

RE: Does anyone use a VPN and/or Password Vault? - JeanMcaleer - 06-17-2024

I used to rely on BitDefender for my antivirus needs, but man, did it give me a headache. Constantly flagging my iObit Advanced System Care as a virus was beyond frustrating. So, I made the switch to Microsoft's native antivirus for a more hassle-free experience.But then, I started thinking about beefing up my protection even more. That's when I decided to dive into the world of VPNs and Password Vaults. Let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. With my VPN, I feel like I can browse the web with peace of mind, knowing my data is encrypted and secure.Recently, I stumbled upon this gem called Fast Proxy. It's like having an extra layer of security wrapped around my online activities.