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Wrist watch recommendations - Printable Version

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Wrist watch recommendations - abdullahiyu - 06-21-2024

For the last number of years I've been buying watches off Amazon, in the £10 to £20 price range.

Almost always the strap fails within a year and I get a replacement which lasts <> another year so not too expensive to have a timepiece with me.

Looking at watches I never see one that I would call a nice watch, just one that will do.

I like something not too cumbersome with a timer.

How do y'all solve the wristwatch problem?

RE: Wrist watch recommendations - Verdantar - 06-22-2024

I have managed with the same decent watch (metal strap) for the last 20 years. The pins need replacing soon, and it will be worth doing so in this case.

RE: Wrist watch recommendations - SamsOvar - 06-22-2024

I used to have the same issue with cheap watches. The straps would break, and I'd just get another one, which always felt like a temporary fix. A while back, I stumbled upon a site called https://replicarichardmille.io, and decided to give it a shot. I found a watch that wasn't too bulky and had a timer, which was exactly what I needed. It's been over a year now, and it’s still going strong. The quality is way better than what I was used to, and I actually feel like I'm wearing something nice for once. Maybe give it a try?