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Decoration pollution prevention - Printable Version

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Decoration pollution prevention - wangkiky - 03-25-2016

Wood shop floor with environmentally friendly glue
Miss Zhao has just completed renovation of the house, there is always a pungent odor, but has not yet moved into the new home furniture, building materials and other products have environmental certification, so she has to check unclear "odor" sources. Later, Miss Zhao got the Guangxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention made air testing, pavement flooring is found, workers with no environmentally friendly glue.
When consumers buy laminate flooring, we will consciously choose environmental standards of products, but it is easy to overlook the installation with glue is environmentally friendly. Some businesses in order to reduce costs, use cheap glue. This glue may contain large amounts of formaldehyde and benzene, to make use of a wide range of indoor environmental contamination.
Precautions: the purchase of wood flooring, businesses should be asked whether to use environmentally friendly glue, if possible, preferably formed of a written agreement. When installing pavement flooring home workers, consumers can simply check whether the use of environmentally friendly glue, glue method is close to the smell, the smell of glue although not necessarily completely environmentally friendly, but if the glue exudes a strong pungent odor, so most of the content of harmful substances excessive.
Wood shop floor with environmentally friendly glue
Home decoration is often used latex paint, wood paint and other coatings, if not environmentally friendly paint products, can also cause indoor air pollution. Chen Yong old painter painting company manager, poor quality paint can cause excessive harmful substances, affecting their health. In addition, some consumers only concern environmental protection paint, relax environmental requirements when using glue putty, will bring harm to itself. Currently the state banned the use of high formaldehyde content of 107 glue in the room, but a lot of the renovation team will still secretly use in the construction of the public to carry out the supervision.
Precautions: Consumers should choose environmentally friendly paint, such as wood can better choose environmentally friendly water-based Wood. Buy the best paint to large stores, choose well-known brand products, and check for environmental certification identifies the national authorities on the product packaging.
Buy Furniture concerned about environmental protection proof
People we had got a new house renovated, idle for three months failed to stay, because the interior exudes a pungent odor in the room stayed too long, the eyes will sting. Zhou said, the smell that comes out of most of the furniture, theory find businesses, but businesses will have to paint fumes furniture, put a few days just fine as a reason to shirk.
Home Marketing Manager Plato describes platinum, decoration pollution not only concerned with building materials, some no-name furniture also contain harmful substances. Some brand-name furniture is environmentally friendly use of non-compliance of the plate, in addition to some of the glue stick to leather furniture used in environmental protection can not be guaranteed. Decoration should beware of furniture is not environmentally friendly, causing air pollution.
Precautions: Do not just buy furniture boast sales staff to focus on checking whether the furniture exudes a pungent odor, to make businesses provide credible proof of the State Environmental Protection. If the business commitment to sell furniture to meet environmental requirements, it is best to make the business, "according to Li word" indicated on the invoice.
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