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How to clean traces of moisture
Use coarse salt

Salt is one of the most effective natural products in combating wall dampness and is used by stuffing a kilogram of coarse salt into a flat container opening, and placing it in a room with high humidity so that the salt absorbs the excess moisture in it. The air in about two days the wider the pot, the greater the absorption efficiency, indicating an increase in the amount of salt used, also it is necessary to replace the salt with a new one when it turns black or when it becomes very wet, until it has reached the highest saturation level.

soda use
Baking and borax Both baking soda and borax powder contain high acidity that prevents mold growth and helps remove moisture from the walls. It is recommended to use them because they are inexpensive products, and they are free of toxicity. They are easy to mix, taking into account not rinsing the solution with water when using. Taking care not to rinse and clean the solution thoroughly after using it on the walls, leave a little more to help prevent future mold growth.

Use of ammonia
Ammonia is used to get rid of wall dampness, cigarette tar, and nicotine buildup by mixing one tablespoon of ammonia with a cup of water, or half a cup of ammonia with 3.8 liters of warm water, then applying the solution directly to the wall. Leave for five minutes before wiping it down, then rinse with clean, warm water, taking into account reducing the amount of ammonia to a quarter cup with the same amount of water if the wall is to be painted.

Use white vinegar
White vinegar can be used. To get rid of moisture, put warm vinegar in a spray bottle. To remove tough and stubborn stains mix equal amounts of vinegar and warm water; To remove less visible stains, apply either warm directly to the wall. Warm vinegar helps soften hard sticky surfaces that form tar and nicotine.

bleach use
It is recommended to use bleach when you notice mold growth on the walls, especially if the area is poorly ventilated, and this method can be applied by mixing three quarters of a cup of bleach with about 3.8 liters of water, then scrub with a soft brush after wearing rubber gloves, and leave application For fifteen minutes before rinsing with water, then the area for half an hour to dry.

Use calcium chloride crystals
Calcium chloride crystals contribute to the control and elimination of high humidity in the home, and they are white or colorless crystals, and they are available in stores at a low price in the form of a package that can be suspended, or in the form of a powder where they are absorbed. moisture, and then turn into solid blocks.

How to clean traces of moisture
Moisture Spot clean by following these steps.
Make a cleaning mixture by adding some washing-up liquid or hand-washing soap to a bucket filled with water. Cleaning is done by dampening a rag in a cleaning mixture using it to wipe mold stains without rubbing or brushing; To prevent the spread of mold spores in the place. Use a dry cloth to dry the wall and remove moisture.

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