11-22-2019, 10:57 PM
Hi all,
due to decluttering, I'm selling my Lepin UCS copy models. All parts complete on all 3 models.
Lepin 05028 - Super Star Destroyer - £100
Copy of Lego UCS 10221
Lepin 05034 - Imperial Shuttle - £80
copy of Lego UCS 10212 - fantastic model and build!
Lepin 05033 - Millenium Falcon - £145
- This is the HUGE 5000odd piece model copy of 10179. Mine came with black piping, have replaced most of it. Also the webbing at the rear broke in half, [img=18x18][/img] - so had to purchase a replacement (not an original lego one [img=18x18][/img] so there is also an additional spare)
All 3 models are currently built. Can disassemble them if required. now going to build my ISD and then sell that on!
all sold just waiting on feedback.
Price and currency: £ various
Delivery: Delivery cost is not included
Payment method: Cash or BT
Location: Denham, bucks
Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere
Prefer goods collected?: I prefer the goods to be collected
due to decluttering, I'm selling my Lepin UCS copy models. All parts complete on all 3 models.
Lepin 05028 - Super Star Destroyer - £100
Copy of Lego UCS 10221
Lepin 05034 - Imperial Shuttle - £80
copy of Lego UCS 10212 - fantastic model and build!
Lepin 05033 - Millenium Falcon - £145
- This is the HUGE 5000odd piece model copy of 10179. Mine came with black piping, have replaced most of it. Also the webbing at the rear broke in half, [img=18x18][/img] - so had to purchase a replacement (not an original lego one [img=18x18][/img] so there is also an additional spare)
All 3 models are currently built. Can disassemble them if required. now going to build my ISD and then sell that on!
all sold just waiting on feedback.
Price and currency: £ various
Delivery: Delivery cost is not included
Payment method: Cash or BT
Location: Denham, bucks
Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere
Prefer goods collected?: I prefer the goods to be collected