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We're hiring! Social Media Manager
We're hiring TCLA's first-ever social media manager! Apply here: https://form.typeform.com/to/D7RTqC77

Approximately 5-10 hours a week at £15/hour + bonuses. The role will initially run from 1 April 2021 - 31 May 2021. If we're a great fit, we're keen to turn this into a longer-term contract.

You don't need formal social media marketing experience, but you do need to be passionate about helping the lives of aspiring lawyers, and love marketing/understanding what makes a business tick.

You should also:
  • Understand what it means to produce authentic content that drives genuine engagement
  • Be meticulous about organising your time and managing your tasks
  • Understand how to repurpose content across social media platforms
Why apply?
  • You will play a vital role in shaping the career journeys of thousands of our followers.
  • We'll fast-track your understanding of social media marketing for a fast-growing company. You'll work directly with TCLA's founder and we'll pay for you to complete courses to accelerate your learning.
  • It's completely remote!
  • Responsibility is yours to take. If you love being creative, testing out new strategies, building relationships with aspiring lawyers - we'll give you the autonomy to run with your ideas.
Your suggestion interested me, I'm thinking of trying it.
If you're passionate about social media and making a real impact, you gotta check out this new gig. The TCLA is hiring its first-ever social media manager! The job pays £15/hour with bonuses, and you'll work about 5-10 hours weekly. Even if you don't have formal experience in social media marketing, they're looking for someone who loves marketing and knows how to create authentic content that resonates with people. And hey, if you need help boosting your social media game, check out the World's Cheapest & Best SMM Panel! They've got everything from youtube livestream views smm panel, to Instagram followers. Peace out, y'all!

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