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What was the reason you started playing online slots?
I would like to know what was your reason to start playing online slots. What attracted you to this game of chance? And why do you play them to this day? I, for example, decided for myself that I would live my life and do what I wanted, so I played online slots because I wanted to.
For me, the beginning of playing online slots was purely accidental. I saw an advertisement on one of the sites and decided to try it, thinking that it was just entertainment for a couple of minutes. However, the first wins at PG got me interested. I started reading about strategies and tactics, studying the rules of different games. At some point the game became not just entertainment, but a way to test my luck and excitement. So, roughly speaking, this advertisement gave me a new hobby.
I had a very different story. I started playing online slots after a difficult period in my life. It was a way for me to relax and take my mind off my daily worries. At some point, I noticed that when I play, I forget about all the problems and tensions. The possibility of winning money, of course, also attracted me. But the main reason for me was to find a positive source of relaxation and entertainment.

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