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How to simplify the checkout process on the website?
What do you need to do to make sure the customer doesn't leave during the purchase process? How can you optimise the checkout page? How can you reduce the likelihood of abandonment?

Progress Indicators

Add a progress indicator or step visualisation to the checkout page. This will reduce the likelihood of abandonment. It's important for a customer to know how long it will take to place an order, where they are in the process and how much longer it will take. Progress indicators should be a must if you have a multi-step and complex order registration system.

One page checkout

Combine all order checkout steps into a single page. This reduces the number of transitions within the site and simplifies the process for shoppers. Single page checkout improves the user experience and reduces the likelihood of abandonment as customers can easily see the entire process and complete the order form as they move through the page.

Payment and delivery transparency

Provide clear information about the cost of goods, delivery and any additional charges before the order is placed. Offer a variety of payment methods (credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay). Include one-click payment services.

Clear call to action (CTA)
Use clear and prominent calls to action: 'Add to cart', 'Proceed to checkout' and 'Complete purchase'.

Cause of error

Set up an automatic message about the problem if a user makes a mistake while placing an order. If the error was your fault, such as the payment gateway not working, contact the customer and resolve the situation.

Fast customer support

For many customers, placing an order online is a difficult and frightening step. They are making a choice and afraid of making a mistake. In addition, the checkout process itself can be overwhelming. When it comes to online support, 89% of customers will place a repeat order even after a bad experience. Online chat is a good option for providing quick help when users have questions or problems during the checkout process. Include a contact number on the page, even if it is already in the header and footer of the page. Include a link to the FAQ page so users can find answers to common questions.

Betonlogos: simple, fast, safe

Betonlogos s.r.o. regularly monitors the performance of partner websites. An unoptimised checkout process in e-commerce is detrimental to business. Betonlogos specialists analyse the checkout process according to the following criteria: comfort and visual attractiveness of the page, priority of security, transparency of prices, design options, ease/difficulty of navigation, multi-step. Don't forget that the shopping process should be simple, fast and secure.

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