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100M HP Boss...Threat?
3 questions with the 100.000.000 Health Boss.

1. How high is its level of threat on a scale of 1 to 5? By which i mean does he fight back? Or is he just a steel wall with a ton of health? Does he weaken you? Does he attack and have special abilities? Does he have instant 1hko party wiping techniques such as Dark Trixies spell (pre-1100 defence)?

2. How often will he be encountered? If alot i could see quiet a bit i could see a few issues with this which ill go into detail soon.

3. If he is encountered quiet a bit how are you supposed to go 10+ rounds for 1 chest (that cuts that the amount of chests you can earn ALOT. 100 matchs = 100 chests before....now 100 matchs = 10 chests)......+cough leave it as it was and keep them 1:1 in Infinity Arena...not 1:10. If he is encountered quiet a bit then how are you supposed to consistently and reliably farm Fabled Chests? Not to mention the new Achievements (Nearly Infinite) and (Impossible Mission) which require you to reach rounds 100 and 250 in the Infinity Arena without finding him SEVERAL times. Im not sure how often he WILL pop up , but if its anything like the amount of times you find the Parasprite(STUN) the current 1.000.000-3.000.000 HP boss then i can see a tremendous amount of issues with him being there. One such issue being time constraints. Even accounting for the amount of power characters can possess with around 50 hours of farming (Without this change and a 1:1 ratio for fabled chests and top tier gear) youll have around 1600 Attack/M.Attack BASE. which prebuff will regular attack for 1500-40.000(depending on the mob and crit and other modifiers) and spells/abiltiies usually 15.000-500.000 depending on Buffs , modifiers(for both you and the mob and the mob/boss in question) the amount of time to kill this boss will equal around 3 hours under the BEST of circumstances discounting the incredibly unreliable effect known as (Meteor Burn) which wipes out around 20% of a bosses health instantly (no matter how much....i've hit a 400.000(regular) with it on the Parasprite(STUN) but has only a 10% chance to take effect and only occurs when using the spell (Pentuple Blast). Which means you could possible ecounter him dozens of times. This not only leads to SEVERE stat farming problems but achievement gaining problems as well.

Suggestion : Make him the ultimate boss of the game (thus far released) buff his defence to horrendous levels and make him immune to (Meteor Burn) skill effect. Make him a massive threat by giving him actual attacking abilties and various 1hko spells that can 1 shot unless a potion of some sort (special for him) is ingested , give him ACTUAL attacking abilities and make him fight by the side of other bosses (who he can ressurect at will) and buff those bosses as well. The added on bosses can disable your group (you could make them pre-existing bosses who team-up with him such as Dark Trixie and King Sombra) and give them various party-wide debuffs and buffs to give to the new boss and themselves , they should also be able to pose a attacking threat. Finally and perhaps most important transfer him to be a new boss in Twilights (Boss Fight) Utility and add a achievement for killing him with a special reward , such as a item you can use to make various items automatically hit the enchant cap (As a reward for a 3 to 20 hour battle depending on stats during the fight). A horrendously difficult battle should grant a very beneficial reward after all. One not many will ever attain due to its difficulty.

Another Suggestion : i have not had time yet to dif around and see if there is a method to check the amount of XP your weapon currently has and needs to level. I would Suggest adding a bar in(preferably under the weapon/armour's picture itself if possible) that shows a % of how leveled the weapon/armour is...furthered by a window under equipment for a more indepth view. And a chart to show how powerful(preferably in encyclopedia) each weapon will be at various enchantment levels. I will gladly assist in building such a chart in any way possible if i would be allowed.

Yet Another Suggestion : Alter the current system a tad. Bring back the use of the Weapon and Armour upgrade tokens and take away the radomized equipment effect. This would keep the new system in place and allow us to get weapons to Lv150(the supposed cap) and THEN enchant them as well see fit with our own , non-randomized equipment. This would allow us to gain more power than is currently allowed , fix my(and im sure unvoiced others) complaints with the new system , and would still allow us to get the proper enchantments on armour such as (Perk's) which do not seem to gain in levels like the other pieces of armour. And since you stated this system is still in the game (technically) it should be relatively easy to implement. All you would need to do is disable randomized enchantments and allow us to put our own on , and keep the Level upgrading (through combat) as is.

Final food for thought : The permanent stat boosting items were rare enough as is and i dont relish doing 10 battles for 1 chest. i very much think you should consider simply leaving them as they were. Given on a (1 Battle , 1 Fabled Chest) or 1:1 ratio. The items that boost stats (and especially equipment) were already incredibly rare (opened 30-200 boxes per rainbow , beef soup , cheese cake , ruby , or sugar marble pudding) and required us to attain and open over 800 chests in general for items such as Cuved Blades and Elemental Cloaks(rare and important weapon/armor pieces) to nerf the amount of chests dropped deeply affects how often these now important(even more important if bosses like this will become commonplace as is your word in Part 2) can be found and hence how playable the game becomes. Please revert them in the next version back to a 1:1 ratio. They themselves were fine this way and already balanced. Please revert to having them drop on a 1:1 ratio on these grounds.
Infinity arena all monster have equal chance of appearing.
Fable chest's drop rate was never supposed to be 1:1. It is a semi-rare item, and infinity arena is too easy.
Equipment exp meter is a good idea...... maybe.
(01-28-2014, 03:07 PM)harvard1932 Wrote: Infinity arena all monster have equal chance of appearing.
Fable chest's drop rate was never supposed to be 1:1. It is a semi-rare item, and infinity arena is too easy.
Equipment exp meter is a good idea...... maybe.

None of that helps with answering my questions....or answers if youll ever switch it back. as i already explained it was perfectly balanced at a 1:1 ratio due to how many items u need that it contains and how rare the equipment is from it. And if thats the case then you really should move it back to 1:1. to have a enemy like that in the arena is fine....but not when there needs to be a reliable way farm stats. You also completely ignored my suggestion with non-randomized prefix enchantments.
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, fluffinator, ouch, ouch ouch. 4k damage with a spell, wiping out my hardcore mode party (only 1.7k health). Its speed is pretty decent, and it just won't die. Party members are about level 106-140. Celestia's matk is 2.5k, too..

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