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lepin bricks 05028 / 05034 / 05033 UCS copied models
Hi all,

due to decluttering, I'm selling my Lepin UCS copy models. All parts complete on all 3 models.

Lepin 05028 - Super Star Destroyer - £100
Copy of Lego UCS 10221

Lepin 05034 - Imperial Shuttle - £80
copy of Lego UCS 10212 - fantastic model and build!

Lepin 05033 - Millenium Falcon - £145
- This is the HUGE 5000odd piece model copy of 10179. Mine came with black piping, have replaced most of it. Also the webbing at the rear broke in half, [img=18x18][/img] - so had to purchase a replacement (not an original lego one [img=18x18][/img] so there is also an additional spare)

All 3 models are currently built. Can disassemble them if required. now going to build my ISD and then sell that on!

all sold just waiting on feedback.

Price and currency: £ various
Delivery: Delivery cost is not included
Payment method: Cash or BT
Location: Denham, bucks
Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere
Prefer goods collected?: I prefer the goods to be collected
Yeah UK. I'm tempted but with Quidco offer it makes the Ali one £130 delivered. And of course if i dodge the import tax! Are you willing to go a bit lower to match that?
I can offer £140 delivered. Shouldn't really as I've just ordered slave 1 from the lego store! The Falcon is not a set I will be keeping but want to experience the build of this iconic set!
Happy to accept your offer. It's going to take me a few days to disassemble - probably ship by Wednesday if thats ok? (still finishing packing the shuttle!)

The only thing that is different is the 2 small black piping (you can see them near the top back of the model - by the 6 'exhaust ports' ). One of the original engine rigging snapped, but i purchased another set from the inter-web (not lego originals Sad)) so also have a spare rigging to go with it.
(11-22-2019, 11:04 PM)Conner Wrote: Happy to accept your offer. It's going to take me a few days to disassemble - probably ship by Wednesday if thats ok? (still finishing packing the shuttle!)

The only thing that is different is the 2 small black piping (you can see them near the top back of the model - by the 6 'exhaust ports' ). One of the original engine rigging snapped, but i purchased another set from the inter-web (not lego originals Sad)) so also have a spare rigging to go with it.

I'm not an expert so would you please spell out the differences.

I read about the engine rigging snapped - but you say that you replaced it. I assume that you replaced it with like for like - or is it different to what is provided in the Lepin kit.

Also would you point out the small black piping more clearly please - so I know exactly what you are talking about. Are you saying they are different to the Lepin kit or how the Lepin kit is different to the Lego kit.
This is a big improvement from the earlier version that I used for a few years. This model is a USB3 and when plugged into a USB3 port is is almost hard drive fast transfer. In addition they did away with the guest partition so without the PW it won't initialize at all. The earlier version would initialize into the guest partition even without the PW. Getting the new password in place was a chore for me. I had to repartition and format to get it to accept my password but just follow the directions and it will work just fine. That point made it a bit techy but I am a tech so no deal breaker. To activate just hold down the bottom right button until the red light starts flashing, release and the red and green will flash together. Enter PW and just the green will flash. Insert drive and it will load instantly. I'm pleased with this product. The price is higher than the older model but it is worth the price. if you want buy this product please visit here lepin bricks
(11-22-2019, 10:57 PM)MURPHY Wrote: Hi all,

due to decluttering, I'm selling my Lepin UCS copy models. All parts complete on all 3 models.

Lepin 05028 - Super Star Destroyer - £100
Copy of Lego UCS 10221

Lepin 05034 - Imperial Shuttle - £80
copy of Lego UCS 10212 - fantastic model and build!

Lepin 05033 - Millenium Falcon - £145
- This is the HUGE 5000odd piece model copy of 10179. Mine came with black piping, have replaced most of it. Also the webbing at the rear broke in half, [img=18x18][/img] - so had to purchase a replacement (not an original lego one [img=18x18][/img] so there is also an additional spare)

All 3 models are currently built. Can disassemble them if required. now going to build my ISD and then sell that on!

all sold just waiting on feedback.

Price and currency: £ various
Delivery: Delivery cost is not included
Payment method: Cash or BT
Location: Denham, bucks
Advertised elsewhere?: Advertised elsewhere
Prefer goods collected?: I prefer the goods to be collected

Hi Murphy,

I'd love those Lepin brick. Have you sold them? If not, please inform me.
Thank you!
Brick lover

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