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Question unanswered
I am been playing thise game for a long while and there are still things I can't figure out and there are some things that I don't know at all I've been through the whole 1st part of the game without knowing too lol. So if you think there is something I might not know then please tell me.

the first thing I been trying to figure out is:
How dyou level up a pet I thought it was jump but I have been telling my 1 mill cat to jump for hours.

the second thing I been trying to figure out is:
am I missing a books becouse I been getting bravery stone and I have no clue what I am post to do with it.

The thired thing I been trying to figure out is:
I have gotten all the mines from the mine skill of Twilight that take you to a mining place and I need arround 300-400 more. But I looked all around and I got all of them. Maybe it has to do with the achievements of discover a mineral and if it is where or what is a mineral I've mined i thought everything I came across.

The fourth thing I been trying to figure out is:
Where is the Derpy tokens I found 3/5 I found one in the 2nd island then I found one at the place before you go to fight the 1st fight the last one i found is I think some where inbetween maybe it was repairing the roof. Can any one tell me the locations of where derpy tokens are and how to get them thanks.

The last thing I been trying to figure out is:
(unless you think there is something I don't know)
I been not getting allot of skill points and my charicters are weak and I don't know why. so what am I doing wrong I been enchanting them and for upgrading I just found out about it so that could be it. My charicters are in the level 49-52 the 52 is twilight.

Oh for the beta I can't get into it becouse when I tried to get a code one din't appear so I waited for
more then a week but when the code did appear it look like it was new no this code is outdated so it wasnt my side it was affter I refreshed when the code din't work that it said it was outdated.

(I figured the passive skills arnt passive until you click them on; for those who don't know this go to your passive skills and hit them to turn them on)
(for those who don't know how to upgrade there items talk to the guy in the first village and he dose it for 10k per upgrade. You also might want to save twice before you try to upgrade becouse if it fails it automaticly saves over the last one you saved at.With this I have been able to get +18 on Dark Aura, +16 on MLP RPG Bonus Hat and the only resion I stoped here is becouse it seems to be rare to get any higher.)
{when I figure something complicated out I'll post it here}




1. pets no idea didn't bother with em,
2. dunno about that either or what a bravery stone is XD
3. if you mean to activate all the stones and go to the area in the mine i've gotten all the minerals and going into that portal doesn't do anything because its part 2 content that isn't ready (i got the last mineral randomly from the friendship chests in the 2.15 beta)
4. um theres on in the mountain area where the so many wonders music is derpys hoping around, i know theres one derpy after chysalis in an invisible panel in the middle of the room after u defeat chrissy before going up the stairs, dont thnk that derpy gives you a muffin though i forget. Otherwise i'd just say the 5th one is prolly somewhere on the world map possibly in the time and space castle.
5. to get skill points beating the random enounter later semi bosses drop you 9ooo skill packs for the entire party, earlier ones drop you 3000 packs and mid game ones drop you 6000 skill point packs for the party.

As for the passive skills they are semi-passive seeing as you always have to switch them back on if any one is K'Od even for the group passive as well as you need to switch them off and on if you upgrade them for them to take affect.

Any other questions message me i always had fun with this game even though really short :v and is missing a good story element or process method of progressing but the maps and dungeons and things are pretty good aside from that from around the halfway point (or at least the skeletons and on you don't really need to fight the encounters cuz by like 30~36 (well i can clear the game no problem this low) you can just sweep the rest of the game) you can just skip everything else and just press straight to the end.
[Image: 131948713097resize.png]
lol if you find the bosses of this game difficult
Thanks Quagspoo you said to get skill points beating the random enounter later semi bosses. The thing is I have fought over 500 encounters and I have not run into a semi boss so where do you go to fight these semi bosses or is it the skill (boss) where you fight boss. Becouse if it is I have fought the Boss (hard) and I have not got any good skill points on it.

As for the Location for derpy can you be alittle bit more better with details of her location becouse I have been all over the castle out of time and I have not seen any sign of her. If you can't just say where you thing they are to the best of your a ablity like 1. is in (location floor or southeren east or something like that.) as for the boss you mentioned I have no clue when I fought that boss chrissy.

Thanks Quagspoo and I also thank you for any more information Smile

P.s I can't play beta as my first post stated the resion why.

An Idea
(A new brand of Ponies in which is never seen nore heard of before they are one race and no cutie mark. They Have wings, they have a special jewl in the place of unicorn horn that when they use magic the light takes form of a unicorn horn of light, The queen or king have a special jewl that glows like a pearl of diffrent colors. The ponies live in the realm of mistic silver night , where the night is where they are active and the day is the time of rest. The night is brighter then any other nights and the moon radiats magical lights that grants them stronger magic. They are called Misticorns and though there is no cutie mark there jewl glows slightly when they find there talents.) (There is allot more to work out but what do you think and if you want to add or take anything away go ahead its just an Idea)
Semi-bosses is only in BETA I think. Not in other versions.
This game sucks and there is nothing in this game to attract me, total loss of time and money and never buy it. Here https://www.misterpoll.com/users/446272 you may find some very cool options for the upcoming games and their experience by others.
The game seems to have a lot of hidden mechanics and secrets that can be difficult to discover. It's great that you're trying to figure them out and sharing your findings with others. Keep exploring and experimenting, and you'll eventually uncover all the mysteries of this professional dissertation writers game.

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