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Neverwinter is the latest forebear of Dungeons & Dragons
MMO’s are a tricky genre to port to consoles. The mass of input options, the expansive and persistent world, and the many different social and questing systems don’t lend themselves to the same pick-up-and-play mentality of multiplayer console favorites. Neverwinter doesn’t reinvent the wheel on console-based MMO’s, but it certainly takes strides towards making them easier to jump into.

A major point about Neverwinter is that it's truly free: you can spend nothing and still access the entirety of the game’s content. The cash shop, which uses a currency called Zen, sells non-essential but very useful items--mounts, buffs, companions, respecs, etc.--at some relatively steep prices. So steep, in fact, that it's only excusable given the sheer amount of game being offered at no charge.

To speak to the MMO side of Neverwinter, adventurers always have plenty to do. You can waste a whole day just completing enough daily quests to earn Astral Diamonds (ADs), one of the main forms of in-game currency. You can set mercenaries and other laborers to work in the Professions menu and farm resources, and you can collect and fuse like runestones and enchantments to create better socketables for your equipment. You can also perform an hourly invocation to your deity, entering a lottery of sorts where you’re guaranteed to win something. And you can do Foundry Quests, which are completely user-made experiences. Buy cheapest neverwinter zen from Mmocs with fast delivery and 100% safety.

The PS4 is the strongest of the current-generation consoles, especially from a technical standpoint. Games such as Uncharted 4, Ratchet & Clank, and the upcoming Horizon Zero Dawn serve as great examples of this. Unfortunately, Neverwinter is graphically underwhelming. That isn’t to say that the game looks bad. There are many different landscapes to explore, from towering forests and sweeping beaches to eerie graveyards and everything in between, as well as a nice mix of character shapes, sizes, and equipment. Everything just looks a little less dazzling than we’ve come to expect at this point in the PS4’s lifecycle. Part of this may be because this is an MMO, and as such the game has to contend with rendering potentially hundreds of characters in one area.

Neverwinter Nights is a cool game. The main point of criticism is that for the claim of an enhanced edition, it doesn’t feel enhanced enough. At many points in the game, you might as well be playing the original. Despite the graphical disappointment and the very positive sounds effects, the game can be sluggish in tempo at times due to its age, but still amazing if you like roleplaying games with a large dose of depth. By adding Steam workshops and renewing the multiplayer, if you wish to play a classic, this might be a good time to pick this one up provided you are not bothered by the lack of graphical improvements.

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Neverwinter is the latest forebear of Dungeons & Dragons - by mmocs - 05-14-2019, 11:00 AM

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