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Ideas/Suggestions(More to be listed in due time)
Just some random ideas and suggestions. Please tell me what you think of them.

Skill-Gem Mirror
Used by: Rarity
Effect: Reflects magical attacks for one turn.

Skill-Godspeed Strike
Used by: Rainbow Dash
Effect: A powerful attack that does damage based off of speed rather than physical attack.

Skill-Spirit Shatter
Used by: Twilight Sparkle
Effect: Reduces an enemy's MAT and MDF.

Different weapons should gain EXP differently, I.E weaker weapons gain more EXP.
Enemies should have more elemental resistances so that fire isn't the only useful element.

The rampaging lion should appear later in the game. After the Cockatrice boss seems like a good idea.

Weapons shouldn't inflict magic reflect. It's really annoying and has no purpose.

There should be more attacks like hyper strike that ignore the enemy's magic reflect and counter, Twilight's Magic Arrow could pierce it for example.

Equipment-Stress Ring
Type: Ring
Effect: Increases MCR in exchange for more MAT.

Equipment-Relaxation Ring
Type: Ring
Effect: Decreases MCR in exchange for less MAT.

P.S: Here is a sprite of Rarity on the fainting couch for her K.O stance: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/1...7io7v1.png
Rainbow Falls could be an area. There would be an arena there because that's where the Wonderbolts train. You could also trade items with merchants at the Trader's Exchange.

Fire Geyser Swamp could also be an area. You would need fire proof boots to enter it. There would be a side-quest to deliver apples to a certain pony and you would fight the Chimera as a boss. It would use fire attacks obviously.


Also, I found a really good sprite for Queen Chrysalis! http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/0...5wur6w.png (Be sure to credit lordsiravant.) You should probably use it on the field instead of the vector, it would look a lot better.

I found a King Sombra sprite as well, i'd imagine that it would be useful: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/1...6dst8a.png
One section of the storyline(Probably in the final dungeon) would have each member of the mane six having to fight "shadow" versions of themselves. They would be one-on-one fights with exclusive equipment and/or skills for each pony as a reward.

Twilight-Dark Magic Twilight Sparkle
Vector- http://applejack.ponychan.net/chan/files...098423.png

Rarity-Nightmare Rarity
Vector- http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2...6b0jro.png

Vector- http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/1...4r4c5m.png

Vector- http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/f/2...6zrros.png

Rainbow Dash-ShadowBolt
Vector- http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/3...4har23.png

Applejack-Rich Applejack(If she had stayed with aunt and uncle Orange from Call of the Cutie)
Vector- http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/20...3isy6v.png

I can provide dialogue if you need it.
Adding new skills isn't a priority. Weapon exp can be multiplied with potion.
Boss concepts are complete, I have enough vectors to make enough bosses for all needs.

Weapon should reflect magic, it add more combat variables to think about.

Yea, you can work on shadow illusion versions of the ponies if you want. IDK about its implementation into the story-line though.

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