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What should I consider before hiring a 2D game development company?
Before teaming up with a 2D game development company, there are a few key things to consider. First, check out their market reputation. It's important to know if they're well-regarded in the industry. You'll also want to ensure they can meet your specific project requirements. Looking at their portfolio can give you an idea of their past work, though keep in mind that newer startups might not have an extensive portfolio. Still, it's a good extra step to take.

Additionally, consider their expertise and the technologies they use. Are they up-to-date with the latest trends and tools? Please discuss budget details and transparency. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of costs and expectations from the get-go.
Before hiring a 2D game development company, consider their portfolio to assess past work quality, spectrum tv billing issues review client testimonials for reliability, evaluate their expertise in your genre, ensure clear communication and project management skills, and compare pricing. Confirm their post-launch support and maintenance services to ensure ongoing game functionality.

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