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Food paper packaging
Hi, tell me, please, how safe are the products that are now beginning to be packaged in paper packaging? Can it be stored in the refrigerator at the store, or do you think that paper will never compare with sealed plastic packaging?
I have always been for paper in food production. Yes, the shelf life will be slightly shorter, but it is more environmentally friendly than plastic.
Plastic in the food industry saves and destroys at the same time. I'm tired of reading about environmental issues, so I'm for paper.
As a lover of the planet and ecology, I like the variants of natural paper cups that can decompose, unlike plastic ones. However, not everyone knows that plastic is also used in paper cups. And it's terrible because everyone throws away a "paper cup" in the park or the woods, thinking that everything is fine, whereas it causes twice as much harm. The same applies to milk, sour cream, yeast, and seasonings paper packaging. In such packaging, products are more vulnerable to bacteria, and therefore everyone needs to produce dairy test kits. Be always attentive to new marketing moves.

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