MLP RPG Battlepoint shop:
Earn points in game. Buy and share gifts!
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Note: Always keep a copy of the key in case you forget about it. You can use the key in event map (in MLP RPG).
If you forgot your key or other issues. Feel free to send a ticket to get support.
Point of battle point: To reward players who test play the game and keeps the game going strong. Since often times your save file won't transfer over to newer game version, and it is currently extremely difficult to set up a system where your save file is kept on the server and automatically becomes universally compatible with every single update.
So battle point will be served as the medium to make BETA testing worth playing for. And you can keep all of the battle point and spend it when part 2 is released.
For none BETA testing players: Battle point system features game to account linkage. It unlocks whole different playing experience for not just MLP RPG but other games in the future.
For hackers: Battle point system features anti-cheat triggers. Cheating would result in ban. Transaction data are encrypted and can be re-customized to add extra encryption layers. Don't even try to hack as every possible method are monitored and logged.