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Shadowlands introduces five new zone
"The same thing that could be an advantage to players who are now part of World of Warcraft ecosystem is an obstacle when we're trying to bring new people in," Hazzikostas said. "So we've tried to simplify the process and make sure we're doing our best performance. So that when you play World of Warcraft for the first time, you're experiencing something that is representative of what the game has to bring in 2020 as opposed to playing content that is 10-12 years old , so it's possible to advance to content that is eight years old, then six years old and then 4 year old."

Hazzikostas admitted that Blizzard went too far into trying to "rush" users through start zones to ensure they could advance to the final stages of WoW and meet up with their fellow players. This does a disservice to the overall experience, and is something Blizzard is responding to with Exile's Reach. Hazzikostas estimated that new players will be able to catch up with their best acquaintances over only a couple of dozen hours instead hundreds of hours as in the past.

"So the way we're going about it is we're taking a massive step back, and creating a new experience for players that will be much more effective at teaching you about World of Warcraft , what is it that means to be a part of World of Warcraft ; what is it to be a part of the Horde as well as being part of the Alliance. How to play your Class," he said. "And after that, guiding you through a much better-paced story that is logical in terms of timeline as well as other factors and shows modern World of Warcraft at its best to get you into what the main playerbase is within a few dozen hours instead of just a few hundred hours."

Shadowlands The eighth update for WoW is Shadowlands, and is scheduled to be released in the coming months. The expansion will also bring controller support, but Hazzikostas says that a WoW console port isn't going to happen.

Alongside Exile's Reach, Shadowlands introduces five new zones, a new arena for dungeons, a new raid, and a brand-new feature called Covenants that unlocks an entirely new campaign with multiple missions , as well as new skills to unlock. For more on Shadowlands, check out the video below. It is possible for players to try out Shadowlands on their own next week, when the beta launches.

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