Manufacturing Cans

Competitive Beverage Packaging: The Advantages of Manufacturing Cans
There’s a reason why aluminum cans are one of the most recognizable single-serving beverage packaging solutions on the market. For consumers, the shift from glass bottles to aluminum cans may have appeared like a wide-spread case of “bandwagoning”; but the truth is, there are distinct advantages to manufacturing cans instead of other less standardized packaging options.
100% Recyclable – The aluminum can is the only standardized beverage container that is 100 percent recyclable. The can has a 60 percent recycling rate, more than any beverage container on the market today.  And while this is often touted as beneficial for the environment, this can also reap considerable savings for the manufacturer since recyclable aluminum usually comes in larger quantities than plastic.
Better Consumer Experience – From a consumer standpoint, aluminum cans potentially offer a better consumer experience. This is because of the nature of aluminum itself. Aluminum cools very quickly, making it easy to get a drink from room temperature to ice-cold in a matter of minutes. Its lightweight build and compact frame make it easy to serve and easy to transport, and its carbonated “fizz” is a big selling point for the overall customer experience.
Longer Shelf Life – When compared to its bottled counterparts, aluminum cans offer longer shelf life because of its ability to support carbonated drinks and its remarkable resistance to corrosion. As long as the can remains unopened, the aluminum can is easily one of the best beverage containers when it comes to retaining flavor after long periods of time.
Lower Packaging Development Costs – The process of manufacturing cans has been undoubtedly perfected over the last decade. Since aluminum cans have become a standardized packaging solution, beverage companies need not burden their budgets with custom-made beverage containers that are more costly to develop, more difficult to manufactur and are untested on the market.
Packaging Diversity – Cans have come a long way than simply being relegated to the domain of softdrinks and soda. The process of manufacturing cans is no longer researved for sodas. In fact, consumers have come to see cans as perfect beverage containers for any number of beverages, whether its energy drinks, coffee, juices and even flavored water. 
