Archive for the ‘MLP RPG’ Category
30/12/13 9:27 AM |
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So yea.... V2.019 features the same stuff from bonus combo system.... Except now the regular combat system receives the same crap. yay~..?
And some voice clips that uhhh.... It took me like 6 months to add xD
And customized weapon script is fixed. Since I integrated all of the game purchase tramadol online overnight database except high sc...
22/12/13 11:24 PM |
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So yea.... Players told me that combo system is kind of repeated and boring if you play the same combo over and over again for hours straight... So.... yea! Now bonus combo system is more dynamic! Combo entry's codes will change everytime while the complexity/length will remain the same. So epic skills will remain to have longer code than skil...
20/12/13 9:19 AM |
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Update video:
Today is 12-20-2013! As promised, MLP RPG is officially now back into development!
Audio/Graphics Update will be featured later on!
So what's new?! Well! Beta code system is removed, the game is now in open beta where everyone is invited to play!
New stamina system...
24/11/13 1:35 AM |
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After Approximately of 8 months... MLP RPG Part 2 will finally resume development starting from December 20th to 2014 summer!
MLP Cartoon season 4 started today, so I might as well as gathering more ideas from the show for implementation.
Be prepared for massive new maps. Much more story line to be continued.
Graphics + Audio updates...
10/06/13 5:18 AM |
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So.... 2 new pony games for you to play!
Pony Jigsaw + Pony Mahjong
Pony Mahjong:
Pony Jigsaw:
No need to thx me. Moded both games in matter of 3 hours. I might update those games to meet modern game standards.. If people actually play them.
MLP RPG? I don't have time to sit do...