

03/11/13 1:22 AM | Comments (2) | Posted By: harvard1932

Oh you!


Currently V2.0 BETA’s friendship point system is pretty stupid. I am going to remove bonus atk, def, gold, exp, drop from the system.

So what do you want to see in a improved where can i buy generic xanax version of it? Given that I am adding item rewards (chests, crafting items), adding SP bonus. What’s your idea?

  • Vandanator

    hmmmmm, maybe other stat boosts, like increased magical/physical evasion chance, increased critical hit chance or critical evasion chance, increased HP or MP or TP regen, reduced skill cost, reduced MP cost. Another thing is something like a Haste state, i guess you could say increased Agility. If you do decide to keep any of the others like Atk or Def boost maybe increase it by x1.5 or even x1.2 instead of x2. Cause i felt that that could make you over powered, depends though, imagine if it was combined with Pinkie Slash, Party, and Rarity’s atk boosts, crazy hahaha, its to much. The Gold buff wasnt to bad, buut could be annoying to get in middle of a boss fight ha! I like the SP bonus idea alot.

  • Daro

    Need instruction about stats…need option to check what dextrity gives, wht gives luck, vitality etc. For example how many def, hp, magic etc per lvl