Server commands:
Server information:
Location of the server: New york, United States.
Speed: 1TB bandwidth per month (clears out on the first day of the month)
OS: Cent OS (Linux based OS)
Dedicated server, 99.9% up time (doesnt include updates), 100 server slots, backup would be made every hour.
Server information (Beta Server):
Location of the server: California, United States.
Speed: Unlimited bandwidth
CPU: I7 Overclocked 4.0ghz
Hard drive: 3.0 TB hard drive backups + SSD SATA III boot drive for fast loading speed
OS: Windows 8
Not dedicated server, 99% up time (doesnt include updates), 200 server space depends on work load, backup would be made every 3 minutes. Currently 100MB/sec server connection (dedicated).
Server information (Current Server):
Location of the server: West Coast of United States - Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing Center
Speed: 100 MB/S. Enough bandwidth for everyone.
RAM: 3.5GB
OS: Windows Sever 2012
Semi-dedicated server or 80% dedicated server. 99.9% up time 24/7, server restarts once in a month or so. Complete manual backup every month or week, however: if a massive exploit or heavy damage is found. Chances are: server data will be recovered, manually fixed, and action taken into account, best without using server backups.
Griefing protections:
-Faction protection
-Potion Protect (Not for public implantation yet)
-Full Server Backup everyday or every hour. Completely server backup on my PC.
-Fully functional logging system. Everything you do is logged.
-World Guard
-Anti X-ray, Anti-Cheat