
MLP RPG – Here we go again (update)

05/30/14 10:19 AM | Comments (1) | Posted By: harvard1932



Finally got all of my grades back. So it is official that I am on my summer break.

I was going to travel to China this summer in August, but it seems like the plan is canceled ahead of time because my interest shakened.

For MLP RPG, I need more inspirations to work on the games because I am still currently lack of ideas for new implementations.  I watched all latest episodes, but uhhhhh…… hmmm, not sure what I learned from it at all.

A great way to start summer: Today, my PC died on me. Windows 8 blue screen + black screen of death. Just managed to recover raw data, but in the cost every single software that I had on my PC is now erased.

Of course, I am extremist….. 11:00 PM that’s when my PC crashed…. and I worked 4 hours straight to 3:00 AM to get 70% of all software recovered, 100% of my work data back to original shape. However, I learned nothing other than the fact Windows sucks and there is no alternatives.

For the record: my PC always die during summer. It have been on 3 crashing streak already, I don’t think it is coincidence.

It have been a rough and tiring Q1 of 2014. Not sure what to make of my progress. Slow or extremely fast, I don’t think there is a scale of comparison.

Well, I am out. going to sleep. Wanted to kill whoever made the undetected virus in which that I patched, but it messes up my OS file that caused the crash. I could care a lot and get my revenge by DDoS the crap out of their vulnerable server then report it to FBI. Or i can just go enjoy my ice cream while sitting on a beach somewhere writing philosophy.

Disregard of your perspective, both path are equally strong in my eyes.

  • Mike Schmidt

    Yo, Any idea, about the version of the game? 1.8?