
Not to panic when these things happens

02/05/13 6:59 AM | Comments (0) | Posted By: harvard1932

When your money is wiped. – Just send me a ticket, and I will just bring in the backup. This happens once in a few months, and there is nothing I can do because it is plugin problems.

When server is offline – it will probably come back in few minutes.

When website is down – then you starts to panic….. na…… it is normal for this wordpress to go down because it is based on mysql database; and mysql database can be unstable.

When server is offline for more than 3 days – don’t worry. Everything in the server is untouched. When it happens, it probably anyone order tramadol online meant I am moving the server location or transferring server data. It might take a few weeks for server to get back. <—- happens once in a year to few months. If darkky minecraft gets over 100 player everyday online 24/7, this shit probably will never happen as I would move the server to dedicated server that does nothing but run minecraft ALL DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. or if someone donate few thousands dollars for it 🙂

Yea…. money sometimes does make a huge difference.