26/03/14 9:19 PM | Posted By: harvard1932

My account isn't hacked. I am 100% certain that my account [email protected] isn't sending any AD emails.
However, as secure precaution. I changed my yahoo's random generated password to 20 characters password.
Whoever is doing that, is using SMTP faking my email address to send out fake emails. DO NOT CLICK on those URL.
If you are...
07/03/14 6:48 PM | Posted By: harvard1932

Well. Now MLP RPG is capable of transferring and downloading binary file to the server and from the server.
May probably be the first in RPG maker games muhhahahaha.
Right now the binary transfer limit is at max of 10 MB or it would take too long to download/transfer.
So here is the list of possibilities, but I am not sure if I am ever...
19/02/14 6:55 AM | Posted By: harvard1932

1,000,000 is never a small number. And that is not even total steps players walked :) I am sure if we want a counter for that... It would be over 2.1 billion already.
If each battle takes 2 minutes. It would take one player 3.8 years 24/7 of battling to get to 1,000,000 battles. AND THAT IS JUST BATTLES! 3.8 years time spent just over...
18/02/14 1:41 AM | Posted By: harvard1932

The problem is solved. Crash is fixed and user will no longer disconnect.
World chunk automated scanning failed to pick up chunk error.
Removed all entities in world and stopped all server chunk processing function. Still didn't fix the problem.
Manual sectional wipe for that part of the world had to be done.
So world...
18/02/14 12:23 AM | Posted By: harvard1932

Ok. Fuck. /warp aaron:
world: world
x: 566.5294736878669
y: 78.0
z: 1756.7933212179419
yaw: -97.49911
pitch: 21.436771
Got some map corruption that everyone who loads that chunk would instant crash and server buy viagra online cape town would also crash.
I am trying to fix the chunk manually thru scanning process. It will take...